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Sharing Gail againthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4187 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: Wifelover
Added: Apr 05 2007Views / Reads: 3712 / 2991 [81%]Part vote: 8.76 (17 votes)
Part two of the story about my wife's first time and now her second.

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Sharing Gail again

Four weeks had passed since the night my wife, Gail, had her first encounter with a man other than me. James had turned out to be an experienced, considerate, well-endowed lover; and he was black. Gail had enjoyed the experience so much that she had told me she wanted to do it again. So.......I emailed James and invited him. He was more than willing to make love to her again, so we arranged a get together; this time at his place. If you didn't read part one, I suggest you read it before you read this part.

The clock was quickly approaching the seven o'clock mark and I urged Gail to hurry. It would take close to an hour to reach his place and I hate to be late. Besides, I was anticipating a fantastic evening and wanted to get going. Again, I urged her on. "I'll be just another minute or two," she insisted.

Another five minutes and Gail came floating into the living room, all excited and bubbly. She reminded me of a high school girl, ready for her first prom dance. Except, she wasn't dressed like a high school girl, she was dressed more like a hooker. She was wearing a very short black skirt, and a mid-drift style red top. That top barely covered her breasts and it was apparent by the twin protrusions, that she wasn't wearing a bra. Add to that, plenty of makeup and enough perfume to supply ten women for a year. In addition, she must have spent at least ...

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