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Wife's Co-Workerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1076 words)

Author: lovemywife
Added: Apr 05 2007Views / Reads: 4365 / 6 [0%]Story vote: 8.71 (14 votes)
I couldn't help myself with one of her co-workers

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Wife's Co-worker

Jen had been working entirely too much over the past 6 months. It put her in a perpetual bad mood. She constantly bitched about her coworkers who she had previously been friends with and her boss, stating that she couldn't handle hanging out with them outside of work because it reminded her of all the shit waiting to be done there. As the loving husband that I am, I listened and tried to console her to no avail. Tonight was worse than most. She was down in the dumps after another terrible day at work. She came in and said that she had to go to a club downtown because it was one of the girls in the office‘s birthday and would look bad if she didn't show up. I told her I would go so that we could have a good time together even if she didn't want to hang out with everyone else.

We got dressed and took a cab to one of the bigger night clubs in the city. When we got there, most of the people in her office were already there and boozing pretty heavily. Jen put on her best smile and we went over to the group. Everyone actually seemed very friendly. They asked where we had been and said that we were way behind, buying us a few rounds of shots so that we could "catch up."

A couple of hours later, Jen appeared to be having a great time, doing shots and interacting with her co-workers. I had been making pleasant conversation with some of the girls from her office. One of them, ...

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