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Carlythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2002 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Apr 09 2007Views / Reads: 4852 / 3564 [73%]Story vote: 8.67 (12 votes)
A slut wife and a husband who learned to live with it.

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It was 1969 and I had been dragged, kicking and screaming, into the new era of sexual freedom. My wife had turned into a cock-loving slut and she had let me know, in no uncertain terms, that I could learn to live with it or leave, the choice was mine.

Most of you who remember the late sixties and early seventies can picture in your minds all of the young, nubile, long-haired young girls and their equally long-haired boyfriends who headed the free love movement. My Carly wasn't one of them. Carly was a thirty-eight year old housewife and mother who in no way resembled those sexy young girls. Her hair was short and she was what we called in those days pleasingly plump. She was also a very shy and introverted person so I suppose she was as surprised as I was when she turned into a round-heeled slut.

As I mentioned, Carly was a mother. Our only child, Christy, was a nineteen-year-old college freshman at the local university. Carly and Christy were not only mother and daughter, but were also each other's best friend. They had no secrets from each other and this tight bond allowed Christy to seek her mother's advice on everything. When in high school Christy began telling her mother about how boys were coming on to her and her feelings toward some of them, Carly promptly put Christy on the pill. She took her and had her fitted for a diaphragm and then gave her advice on how to handle the boys. When Christy gave up her virginity at sixteen she told Carly about it and when Carly ...

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