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VANNA, A WARTIME STORY OF SURVIVAL , PART IVthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 1775 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: Dick Inkum
Added: Apr 14 2007Views / Reads: 380 / 334 [88%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
The conclusion of Vanna's wartime experiences

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By Dick Inkum

I wasn't too interested in going back to the hall but Jenna pleaded with me.

"If I'm with you, maybe I'll get picked by an officer and get a tip" Jenna enthused.

The base was in turmoil. When we arrived there was a lot of activity for a Sunday. Troops were in trucks in combat gear and supplies were moving around. Orders were barked in all directions. Well, none of our business, really. It was just a little unnerving. Jenna and I walked into the hall.

There was a smaller number of women there and a very small group of officers came in. One major announced that there would be enough enlisted men, that those who wanted two cards could get them.

There were no officers I recognized. No Francis. No George. Two officers, I think they were also majors, about thirty-five or forty came up to us.

"We have a deal for you" one began, " you each get three cards for ...

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