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Cleaning Beckythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1525 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Apr 16 2007Views / Reads: 4849 / 3631 [75%]Story vote: 9.31 (13 votes)
He wanted her in the worst way - and that was the only way she would let him have her.

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I craved her more than any other woman I had ever known. The first time I saw her I felt a fierce desire to take her by the hand and lead her to my bedroom and keep her there forever. Dark smoldering eyes, hair as black as a starless night sky, slim waisted, high breasted and lips that cried out "kiss me!" And she was unattainable - she was my son's wife.

I both looked forward to, and dreaded, going to family gatherings. Knowing that she would be there both drew me to them and made me afraid to go. The more I saw her the more I wanted her; the more I saw her the more despair I felt knowing that I could never have her. Yes, I wanted her as much as I wanted life itself - and she knew it! How she knew I'll never know, but know she did; it was obvious in the way she touched me whenever we came close and it was obvious in every look and gesture she made whenever we were in the same room together. The husky way she said "Hi Dad" or "Goodbye Dad" and the way her lips would linger when she kissed my cheek fairly screamed out to me "I know!" I finally reached a point where I had to avoid being around her and I began ducking all the social gatherings where I knew she would be in attendance. I went almost nine months without seeing her and then my wife threw me a surprise birthday party and there she was. Halfway through the evening Becky came up to me and in a voice that went right to my cock said, "You've been avoiding me Dad, and I know why. You want me and it's killing you because you think you can't have me. But you know what? One of these days when the circumstances are right I'll ...

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