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Lawyers in congressthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:first time, 4550 words)

Author: victor56
Added: Apr 23 2007Views / Reads: 5817 / 4197 [72%]Story vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
A young and upcoming lawyer meets a former colleague on the train, which leads to a series of interesting developments.

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Lawyers in congress

When I set foot on the international departures platform I recognized her immediately. The formidable Elizabeth Chang. Liz to her friends. Mrs. Chang to me. Not that we couldn't have been friends, it was just that when I started practising law she had already been with the firm a couple of years and moved in different circles from me. As a lawyer she had quite a reputation. She was an aloof kind of person with a razor-sharp mind, a sharp tongue and an even sharper wit, so people tended to steer clear of her. As a person nobody really knew her, so rumours abounded: she was a lesbian, no, she was the senior partner's mistress, no, she frequented seedy bars where she picked up couples for sex, and so on.

We worked on a few cases together and just when I thought she was beginning to notice me, of the blue her resignation was announced. There was a quiet farewell party that I wasn't invited to, and that was it. Coincidence of course, but almost immediately after her departure my own star started to rise. I did well on a couple of high-profile cases, was rewarded with taking over some of Elizabeth's cliënts, and from there on things had progressed into the present: I was considered to be on partnership-track.

Which meant I was now old and succesfull enough to be seen as her equal, but seeing her standing there set back the clock a couple of years for ...

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