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The Dream Becomes Realthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2587 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Houston
Added: Apr 24 2007Views / Reads: 1164 / 598 [51%]Part vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
A dream Comes True

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THE DREAM BECOMES REAL ...............

Now that my dreams had taken over my every thought something new happened. The woman and myself had began talking about life and love and found that both of us where attracted to each other. Yes she told me she had caught me staring at her and noticed the effect she had on me and enjoyed it. We had even agreed that if we ever got away from our home area there is no telling what could happen. Just knowing she knew how I felt made it that much more enjoyable to me. We knew the chances of us two getting away at the same time was not going to happen but the sexual flirting was fast becoming more than I could bare. It only caused me to lust after her with near criminal intent. My dreams and fantasy went from nice and romantic to a more forceful and demanding type of desire. I had to have her I wanted her more than my next breath just to taste her lips and feel her body it was getting intense.

We both felt it at work the closeness in the office touching as we passed in the hall or in the meeting room. Touching her hand, shoulder, or back in what appeared to be innocent hugs. All this was pushing me to constant state of arousal that was getting out of hand. With all this sexual tension in the air I thought I was going to explode. Then one day it happened we never dreamed of it nor expected it. The boss called us into his office. As we sat there we thought the worse but it was the best. The company was sending us to a conference in Dallas for two nights and three days at their expense. As soon as I heard the ...

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