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Cyndi (3)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3693 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Apr 27 2007Views / Reads: 1975 / 1633 [83%]Part vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
She continues to do what he wantedher to do, but she still hides it from him.

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Things started to get very lively for Cyndi and she was being kept very busy by the sexual commitments she had allowed herself to be blackmailed into. There was the usual Wednesday afternoon gangbang, Jerry was seeing her two or three times a week, Ray about the same plus setting her up with clients two or three times a week. You might have expected that my sex life would suffer because of all she was getting on the side, but I was still getting all I could handle and then some. It seemed that the more Cyndi got, the more she wanted me. A shrink would probably say it was a guilt thing; the more she fucked around on me, the guiltier she felt and the guiltier she felt the more she needed to assuage her guilt by making it up to me. I had a much simpler explanation - the more she got fucked, the more she wanted to get fucked. However you wanted to look at it one thing was always there - I wasn't any closer to being able to participate.


Jerry came to see me at work one day with what he thought was a problem. There were only three guys we worked with who hadn't sampled Cyndi's pussy. Guys being guys it was inevitable that the three would find out what was going on and once they did it was equally inevitable that one, two or all three would want to get in on it. That's just what happened and Jerry wanted to know what he should do about it. I gave it moments thought and then asked him if there was any good reason for excluding any of the three. Jerry said none that he could think of so I told him ...

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