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Creamy Madelinethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1976 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Apr 30 2007Views / Reads: 3066 / 2516 [82%]Story vote: 9.15 (13 votes)
Was it really adultery? (Warning! Basically a cream pie story so don't read if it ain't your bag).

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Madeline and I have worked together for the past five years and besides the job the two of us have one thing in common - we both despise our employer and most of the other people we work with. As you might guess, not caring for the others we work with means that we spend a lot of time together during breaks and lunch periods, and as time went by we became very close. We were like brother and sister or even best friends, if such a thing is possible between a man and a woman not married to each other. Mad had a husband and three kids and I had a wife and two and it was inevitable that, given as close as we had become, we would confide in each other and cry on each other's shoulder.

During the early years it was simple stuff like the washer was broken and where was the money going to come from to fix or replace it. As the years passed by things began to get more and more personal. For example, I knew she was pregnant with her third before her husband did, and she knew before my wife that I was going to get a vasectomy. I told Mad about finding out my wife was cheating on me and it was Mad who, knowing how much I loved my wife, advised me to play it cool and see if it was just a phase that Peg was going through. She was right; after a couple of months Peg ended it and hasn't stepped out on me since. Like I said earlier, Mad and I are close.



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