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Lucky in Montana XIIIthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:romantic, 2216 words) [13/13] show all parts

Author: Shakes
Added: May 04 2007Views / Reads: 429 / 333 [78%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
A romantic story set back in the days of guns and horses.

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This work is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced in any form without the specific written permission of the author. The story is one from a time long, long, ago in a land far, far, away. Any resemblance to your experience or those living or dead from those experiences is purely unintentional and completely coincidental. This is meant as fiction. All feedback is appreciated. Drop a line to: shakes003@hotmail.com or check out all of my work at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/shakes-stories/ and leave a message. I will get back to you ASAP.


It was getting late when we finally got home from town. Dodge was silent the whole ride home and I was thankful for that silence. For one, I was embarrassed over passing out. I figured about everyone in town thought I was a jackass or a freak or something. Secondly, I was still trying to figure out in my head what the hell was going on.

I took a good bump on the head from keeling over like I did. Still, Dodge didn't say anything after he and Mr. Balcolm loaded me up into the wagon. Like I said, it was a quiet ride home. Occasionally I felt a worried glance directed at me, but that seemed to be the worst of it. I needed time to grasp what happened. Deep down I was sure that I was going crazy and seeing things.


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