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The Hotel Clerkthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 4339 words) [5/9] show all parts

Author: jeff501
Added: Oct 12 2000Views / Reads: 2008 / 1764 [88%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
A continuation of Parts I-IV. Sarah and Heather travel to my corner of the globe. See what happens when Sarah reveals her desires to perform oral sex on Heather and how Heather reacts.

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The Hotel Clerk (Part V)

Spring had sprung and as I stood at my opened window, watching the river flow, my mind wandered to Heather and Sarah once again. For months I had been flooded with bittersweet feelings: having had the chance to fulfil all my desires yet at the same time being so far away from them. To add to my woes I felt a constant pressure inside wondering if either, or both of them would get involved with a boyfriend and forget all about me. I had talked to Sarah a few times on the phone and she re-assured me that she did not have a steady boyfriend despite her long string of casual dates. Heather had remained even more private and had only dated a few times since our last encounter. Given this information I was determined to see them again, this time on my turf !.

Morning broke on another day and I knew today was the day I needed to put a plan into action. Picking up the phone, I dialled the hotel and asked to speak with Sarah or Heather. "Front Desk, Sarah, how may I help you" was the sweet voice on the other end. 'Hi Sarah, it's me, I have an idea, tell me what you think'. "Ok hon, what is it' she replied. "Well, is there anyway you and Heather can fly out East to see me, I really want to see you two again, or even if you could come alone, can you?" I asked, almost begging. "Well I do have a ton of airline miles I should cash in, maybe I can get us a few tickets to come see you, I know Heather would kill me if I went alone, so I will ...

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