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An Unfair Fthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1945 words) [2/5] show all parts

Author: Abra de Winter
Added: May 06 2007Views / Reads: 1537 / 1289 [84%]Part vote: 9.43 (7 votes)
Prof. Lawrence's point of view.

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An Unfair F

part 2

by Abra de Winter

He signed the divorce papers earlier that day. He let his wife have the house she talked him into buying, and the dog she never liked. He signed everything hoping that the piece of paper would mean more than the marriage certificate. Love, honour and obey. Sure! Marriages fail all the time, he'd have to be a prize idiot to mess up the divorce.

He was a prize idiot and he knew it. Why else would he be thinking about that girl? Even now when he stopped the car in front of his date's house. He'd been thinking about her for months. His marriage was beginning to crumble and all he could do was think about that girl. The girl who never looked at him, the one who always did her assignments and studied for the tests, and never ever flirted with him.

He could still remember that day. The beginning of his fall. She'd been on her hands and knees, with her cute little ass in the air for most of the class. How could anyone drop their pen so often?! He had to stay behind his desk and give them a pop quiz just so he didn't have to parade his hardon.


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