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An Unfair F - part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1111 words) [3/5] show all parts

Author: Abra de Winter
Added: May 07 2007Views / Reads: 1368 / 1168 [85%]Part vote: 9.00 (6 votes)
The girl who chose her ethics over her lust is dealing with the choice.

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An Unfair F

Part 3

by Abra de Winter

"This is unfair."

I sound like a whiney ten year old, but I want like a cat in heat. I want to shred my clothes off with claws I don't have. And his. Want to tear off his shirt. Send the buttons flying like shrapnel. Want to feel his skin against mine. I'm dying and he's the only cure. He's offering it all. The grade I need and the fuck I want. Why don't I jump at the chance?

So what if he gave me an F! Maybe the paper isn't good. Maybe I'm wrong. I can have all I want if I just reach out to touch him. So what if I have to spread my legs for him, begging for an A I don't deserve.

Except I do. That snaps me back. I want him but I'm worth more than this.

"I deserve an A. I'm not going to pay for one. No matter how much... how much I need it."


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