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An Unfair F - part 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 916 words) [4/5] show all parts

Author: Abra de Winter
Added: May 07 2007Views / Reads: 848 / 721 [85%]Part vote: 9.20 (5 votes)
Prof. Lawrence's POV. The road to redemption.

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An Unfair F

Part 4

by Abra de Winter

Days passed while he waited for the sky to crumble. Every time the phone rang, he thought it would be the Dean's office, or the school board, or the police. He's made up his mind. He wasn't going to try to deny her accusations. He was not going to defend himself telling the whole world how he caught fire every time he thought of her. He wouldn't cheapen even further what he was feeling. He did enough by screwing his students.

When he saw her in the auditorium, waiting demurely for his class to start, he nearly turned on his heels to run. He didn't. If this were the only way he could have her in his life, he'd have to grit his teeth and show some restraint. There would be no touching her, no looking in her eyes to see if the fire was still there. He couldn't help his imagination run away when he was at home. He'd have her then. He'd explore every passionate urge. In the privacy of his bedroom, he touched her imaginary flesh. In his dark, lonely nights, she was truly his.

In the cruel light of day, she seemed to drift further and further away. ...

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