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Drive All Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1599 words)

Author: Guinness
Added: May 07 2007Views / Reads: 1168 / 900 [77%]Story vote: 9.14 (7 votes)
Taking a driving course with my lady show me some new moves that you won't find in the Highway Code

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"Watch your revs... Watch your revs, watch your speed. Position, position! 3rd and 4th gears are there for a reason, don't leave them out."God, this instructor was a BITCH!!! I'll explain.

I have been a resident of Ireland for some time now, and have never taken the driver's exam here. I have always used my American driver's license, as I have always traveled back and forth. But, since I am staying here for longer periods of time, the Irish Highway Code required me to get my license here.

Now I have lived in both Great Britain, and Ireland for quite some time, and thought I had mastered the highway code here, but thought that a refresher, with an instructor would be a good thing. I was wrong.

"What's the speed along here Richard?"

"80 kmh"

She pointed out a sign that said "60kmh."

I sighed heavily. "I think that's enough for today Richard. Let's head back, shall we?"

"Shall I put an ‘L' plate on the back of the car?"


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