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Doctor's Ordersthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 6270 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: May 10 2007Views / Reads: 3626 / 3070 [85%]Part vote: 9.56 (9 votes)
Clean up your act or die - simple as that.

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"I'll give it to you as straight and simple as I can. You have to stop smoking, quit drinking, lose fifty pounds and eliminate caffeine from your diet or die! And I don't mean in a couple of years. You are on your way to a coffin within the next six months if you don't get your head out of your ass and do what I just told you to do."

The doctor's words rattled around in my head as I drove home. I knew I smoked too much and I had tried to stop half a dozen times. And the doctor wasn't the first to tell me that I drank too much; my wife Marlene did that on an almost daily basis, but what the hell, I could handle it and it relaxed me when I got home from a hard day at the office. I did not believe the overweight part though; I was comfortable with what I carried and I'd always felt that a man's best weight was what he was most comfortable with. But, and it was a pretty big but, I did not want to die; at least not within the next six months and preferably not within the next forty or fifty years.

Regardless about what I thought about my weight and drinking I paid good money for the doctor's opinion and I had learned over the years that it is stupid to pay for an experts opinion and then not put it to use. I walked into the house, put my briefcase in the den and then headed for the wet bar in the family room. I actually had the scotch bottle in had and the stopper out when Dr. Hartmann's words came back to me -"or die!" I put the bottle back in the cabinet and my wife, who was in the kitchen, said "Something wrong dear?" ...

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