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Upgrading.this story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 2528 words)

Author: marina_tete
Added: May 15 2007Views / Reads: 3192 / 2721 [85%]Story vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
a young employee finds her chance in career and realationship with her boss.

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Disclaimer: the story contains sexual explicit language and acts of sex between females. It that offends you please don't read. All feedback is welcomed at: marina_tete@yahoo.com


"Nina, would you like to take that offer?" The question came out of no where; I wasn't even paying attention to Ms. Marge while she was arguing with Tom. Tom happens to be one of the best employees but have been presenting problems when dealing with his boss lately; I had a feeling that she planned to have him fired.

"Sure thing m'aam" I quickly answered not wanting to piss her off more than what she already was, but I didn't realize that she only gave me the offer to challenge Tom and that I don't know what this offer exactly means.

"Follow me into my office to give you all what you need." Ms. Marge said while moving away from Tom who has lost his dignity and started to beg for forgiveness.

I entered the office where she explained that both of us will team up to get a new account for our agency. It meant a lot for her career and of course financial profit, with that said and Tom's reaction to losing this account, I chickened out. ...

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