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Discotéquethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1759 words)

Author: Kare
Added: May 15 2007Views / Reads: 1344 / 977 [73%]Story vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
Two women........two men............see what happens....thanks to Chet for turning it into better english

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The music was very loud, so she had to bend over towards her friend to chat with her. It has been a long time since they went to a discothèque together. Both had dressed themselves in new clothes and had been to a hair dresser. She felt modern so, she wore a skirt that just covered her ass. To top that, she wore a blouse in a color that matched her green eyes. Whenever, she bent over to her friend, anyone could see the top of her breasts. Her friend was wearing a white tight shirt which let her nipples show because she was not wearing a bra. It was too hot outside to wear long jeans, so she had worn tight jean shorts and both were wearing Flip Flops.

When they arrived at the discothèque, there not many people, but now when it was getting towards midnight, more and more people came. Just as she had bent over to ask her friend for another drink, her gaze went to the entrance. There, she saw him, the man of her dreams - for this night at least! For a real relationship, she thought she might be too young but that did not mean she had to turn down a good fuck. He had brown short hair and a muscular body. His shoulders were inviting to lean on and he wore a ruby colored shirt, which was open enough to see a part of his hairy chest. God, the tight jeans he was wearing definitely showed that the lower part of his body was well built, also. All together, he made her pulse rise and the groaning that was coming from her, made her friend look at her and then turn to the same way as ...

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