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Ring of the Pharaoh'sthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 6830 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Shuggie Picture in profile
Added: May 30 2007Views / Reads: 3124 / 2842 [91%]Part vote: 9.17 (6 votes)
Daniel stood watching the passing of his father, little did he know that his father had left him a ring that would change his life forever.... Feedback Welcomed, Suggestions for further parts also welcome !

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Rings of the Pharaoh's.

Daniel stood watching the loose clumps of soil roll slowly down the knoll and fall gently onto the oak casket, it seemed that he had spent far too much of his time standing by this particular grave.

Only a year earlier just before his twenty first birthday, he had laid his mother to rest after her horrific car accident and now it was his fathers turn to join her, Daniel lifted his eyes and slowly gazed round the mourners, on one side there were his esteemed colleagues for the natural history museum and university, on the other side his dad's gambling buddies.

The irony hadn't escaped him, his father spent most of his life studying the past and now Daniel's final act would consign his father to the past. Daniel quickly snapped out of his deep thought realising that everyone seemed to be watching him.

Daniel looked over at the minister, realising quickly that the minister's eyes were guiding his eyes to the fresh brown soil to his left. Daniel picked up a handful of soil dropping it slowly over the casket then whispered softly, "Bye dad".

The rest of the day seemed to pass in a blur, the endless shaking hands of people he had never met, even listening to people who used to talk ...

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