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Half-Double Advantagesthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 2659 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Hungry4BigD
Added: Jun 11 2007Views / Reads: 3714 / 3154 [85%]Part vote: 9.50 (6 votes)
My first tenant, and first time.

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Half-Double Advantages

I was sitting alone in my room, during the spring of my sophomore year in college, earning a bachelor's degree in business when I got a horrifying phone call. My aunt called me to let me know I needed to come home quickly, because both my parents were in a bad car accident and it didn't look like either one of them was going to make it.

I left a note for my room mate and jumped in my car and flew like a demon down the highway. I made it home in time to sit by my dad's bedside about 10 minutes before he passed away, and my mom lost her battle about a half an hour later.

It was a horrible loss, and dealing with a double funeral was a royal bitch. My Aunt Martha and Uncle John were a God-send in getting me through that difficult time in my life. I stayed with them for about a month, until all the legalities of my parents' wills were taken care of. With me being their only child everything was left to me, and I found out in a hurry that owning your own house, and taken life by the horns, is no walk in the park. The only thing that saved my ass from losing everything, was that the home owner's insurance my parents had, included a special clause, that if anything were to happen to both of them, the house was to be paid off by the insurance.

Luckily my parents' auto insurer contacted me, and chose to go after the ...

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