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Suzi and Lisa: Gang-Bang Slutsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 7162 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: The MidNight Lurker
Added: Oct 14 2000Views / Reads: 2259 / 2054 [91%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
Sex with strangers, a little "anal probing" in the shower, even nasty masturbation sessions. Suzi and Lisa go to all lengths to satisfy their group of men.

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<filename: SUZI-L2.TXT / SUZI-18.ZIP>

[[[ Story continued from last message/file! ]]]

Suzi and Lisa: Gang-Bang Sluts - Part 2 of 2 M+/FF, hetero sex (some interracial) by : [THE MIDNIGHT LURKER]

3. Suzi and Lisa: Gang-Bang Sluts - How about a Seven-Some?

Suzi undid the single button of her long mink coat, exposing her silver-studded bra and black mini-skirt even more, then folded her arms and surveyed the scene in front of her. "Well well well," the young woman simply mused. "Looks like you three have been quite busy today."

Lisa, Suzi's blonde and buxom cousin, was laying in the middle of the living room floor with two black men - Eddie and Darius - flanking her on either side. All three of them were completely nude, and looked thoroughly exhausted. Of particular interest was Lisa, whose body was ravaged and splattered with sperm. The gooey juice was caked-onto her skin, dangling from certain parts, and it appeared as though she had dunked her long-flowing blonde hair into a tub of it.

The young woman looked up at her older cousin, then realized she was not alone. Jeremy, Suzi's boyfriend, was behind her, along with two other men. "You brought along some company?" Lisa asked in a breathless ...

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