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The Super Bowl Partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 1995 words)

Author: The Fox Picture in profile
Added: Jun 16 2007Views / Reads: 2282 / 1730 [76%]Story vote: 8.70 (10 votes)
How I first met Erin.

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I knew almost from the beginning that coming to this super bowl party was a mistake. I was a Navy officer at the time (a pilot) and my jet jockey roommate had promised me that the party would be crawling with single women. Well, it was crawling all right, but from boredom, not from social possibilities. The only good thing was that the hosts had borrowed enough televisions that there was one in every room - even the bathrooms.

The game, as usual, was a blowout. By the start of the second quarter I was wandering from room to room in the hosts' townhouse, hoping to meet someone worth the afternoon's effort. It was crowded, all right, by couples and a couple of other single guys. I finally wandered into an upstairs bedroom that had apparently been converted to a sewing room. There, sitting watching the small borrowed television by herself, was a foxy young woman who seemed to be as bored as I was.

She was much younger than the rest of the crowd, and appeared to be about 20 or so. Medium height, and average looks, but long red hair and a killer smile. She was wearing tight jeans and an even tighter, low cut sweater that showed off her modest but perky cleavage to advantage.

Hi, I said, I'm Thomas. How did you find this little hideaway?

Over a few minutes I learned that her name was Erin, and that she was as ...

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