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Playtime with Hubbythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 692 words)

Author: Fire-Ninja
Added: Jun 18 2007Views / Reads: 1104 / 5 [0%]Story vote: 8.00 (3 votes)
I have sex with my hubby. He gets really kinky and has me begging for more

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My hubby and I are still going strong with our sex life. We can' t get enough of each oher. Sometimes he comes up behind me and kisses my neck and feels me up and I know he's ready to play.

Last night wasn a special night. You know, It wasnt his birthday or anything. We just had an urge to get busy. We started off with some tickling. He's a big tickle feishest and so am I. He tried to give me a massage but I was too ticklish for it. He laughed at me and I tried to escape from him while giggling my ass of. My hubby tried to catch me but when he grabbed the back of my shirt it ripped. (Even though my hubby sees my tits exposed everyday he still gets a BIIIIIIG rush from seeing them). He went crazy and pulled my bra off licking and sucking on my nipples while tickling my sides. I was squirming and squealing tryig to get away but he tied me spread eagle to our bed. I was laughing and freaking out so much I almosed pissed myself.

He took out some feathers and tickled my breasts and nipples. It always gets me horney and he knows it. It was TORTURE!! I was arching my back and squrming away at the same time! I was laughing and moaning and getting wetter by the second! It doesnt work to beg him to stop, I tried many times. Eventually when he decided I had been tickled enough he unzipped his pants and put his cock in my face. Its always so cute when he does it because he still feels unsure about being dominant towards me. (Very touching really) so he just puts his cock in my face and blushes. I giggled at him and lightly touched the tip with my ...

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