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Leading a Double Lifethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 1361 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: BiJockStories
Added: Jul 08 2007Views / Reads: 2039 / 1481 [73%]Part vote: 7.80 (5 votes)
He opened the door just as I bounded up the last stair. Our eyes met. His flashing blue-grey. Beautiful. I closed the door behind me and he had me up against it. Our tongues dueling. His hands all over my body. Pulling me into him. I kissed him back. A ha

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hello guys -

a very rough draft. let me know what you think...maybe more to come.

thanks, bijockstories@yahoo.com


We made the turn onto Eighth Avenue and as Hugh slowed down I hopped out of the back seat and darted into the store. The middle of a summer night, but I've got a hoodie and sunglasses on. Careful to avoid eye contact with anyone I may meet. Downstairs. Two flights. The "all male" basement. Around the corner. A quick left. I know the way well. I slip into a booth. Slip ten dollars into the machine and flip through the selections. I settle on two beautiful Eastern European boys deep-throating each other's fat cocks. I pull out my own dick and begin to stroke.

The sounds of the men in the other booths, and the worries of my crazy life fade away. I get into a fast, hard rhythm and begin to enjoy myself. I let one hand run over my chest, my nipples, as I work on my dick with the other hand. I'm 6'3", 200lbs, a very well cut, athletic body. Smooth and toned. Broad shoulders and thick, muscular legs. I worked on my 9" cock, cognizant of the fact that Hugh was waiting for me, that my life was waiting for me. ...

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