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A Lesson for Teacherthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 8583 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: Dundoodle
Added: Jul 13 2007Views / Reads: 8303 / 6052 [73%]Part vote: 9.14 (14 votes)
I watched as my respectable teacher wife received a lesson.

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This tale is a little different from most of those that appear here, but nevertheless I think that it might be of some interest.

We are a couple in our late forties, married for a long time and with four grown up, and now absentee, children. In short, we are now able to indulge ourselves insofar as our means allow. My good lady, Helen, is obviously not as ‘fit' as she was in the first flush of youth but is nevertheless quite well preserved; good looking, blonde, blue eyed, about 5'6" and reasonably shapely though, as is inevitable, carrying more weight than she is best pleased with. Imagine a slightly shorter haired, and maybe a little lighter, version of Vanessa Feltz and you will be about right.

There has been nothing particularly remarkable about our sex-life, though she has always had an extremely healthy appetite and has never been unafraid to experiment. Though outwardly extremely respectable, being a schoolteacher she really has to be, she has never been afraid to indulge in a bit of ‘naughtiness,' particularly in our earlier days. Whilst she had the figure for it, no encouragement was needed on my part for her to wear extremely short skirts with stockings and suspenders, and frequently without underwear as well. These would be combined with sheer tops, without a bra, on occasion, but never without a jacket or similar so that she didn't actually show very much.

She did get caught out the odd time, such as when we went to a club and, ...

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