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Welcomed Home by My Obedient Petthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1267 words)

Author: kialindo
Added: Jul 19 2007Views / Reads: 1100 / 837 [76%]Story vote: 8.00 (8 votes)
It's always good when you can depend on your obedient pet slut to de-stress you after a hard day's work, and my pet will do anything to please her Master.

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"Oh man, today sucked," I thought to myself as I walked up the stairs to the apartment. "Those fucking clients just wouldn't shut up and listen. Man if they ordered another fucking round on my company's fucking tab I would have gone nuts. Thank god the bartender and shut them off for me!"

I put my keys into the door and opened it, dropping my crap on the table in the front hall and then rounded the corner where what I saw snapped me out of my rant. There in the middle of my living room was my pet, Lizzy, as naked as the day she was born, kneeling on the floor arms at her side and her head bowed. I almost burst out laughing when I saw her open handbag in front of her with her little vibe sitting in plain view inside. Earlier that day I had told my pet to put the vibe into her handbag and to look at it at every opportunity she had while she was at work. And when she saw that vibe she was to think of what I would be doing to her with it later. "Hello my pet," I said through a smirk, knowing that she must be soaking wet after having stared at that vibe and thinking about what awaited her when her master came home.

"Hello Master," my pet responded, "I did just as you asked while I was at work, and have been looking at my little vibe imagining how you would use your pet's body ever since I got home from work."

I walked over to my pet and then around her, admiring her sexy luscious curvy naked body. Stopping behind my pet I squatted down and slowly ...

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