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Hannah & Lanathis story is part of the FanClub (bi:first time, 2915 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Dr.Lust
Added: Jul 20 2007Views / Reads: 2536 / 2256 [89%]Part vote: 9.25 (4 votes)
While standing in line for an over-crowded shower facility in Yosemite, Hannah confides her toubled marriage to Lana, her step-son's girlfriend. When over-crowding forces them to share the same shower stall, Lana is finally able to indulge in a fantasy sh

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Hannah & Lana

The morning after her bike-riding adventure with Terry, Hannah wanted nothing more then to take a long hot shower. Her muscles were stiff from all the physical exertion and her skin was still sticky with sweat. After throwing on some clothes, she made her way outside of the tent and found Lana and Madi sitting in the fold-up chairs next to the dead fire-pit. Hannah was glad to see Madi opening up a little bit. The girl was so quiet and introverted. Just the opposite of her mother.

Seeing Hannah emerge, Lana pours a cup of coffee from a metal carafe, cooking on the propane-grill. She then brings it to Hannah with a bright smile.

"Good morning!" Lana says as she hands it to her. "Oh! Thank you, cutie! That was very nice of you." Hannah replies. Lana's smile grows twice as big. She just loves the way Hannah can make you feel with her little pet-names. "How was the bike trip?" Lana asks. "It was good, but I'm dying for a shower! Where are the boys?" "Still asleep." "Do you girls want to go to the showers with me?" Hannah asks. "Sure!" says Lana. "Okay." says Madi.

In Yosemite, the price you pay for a hot shower is a long line. But, at ...

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