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Tell me how you want itthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 997 words)

Author: Shygirl Picture in profile
Added: Jul 30 2007Views / Reads: 1186 / 7 [1%]Story vote: 8.90 (10 votes)
My lover asks me to tell him what I want...

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So you want to know, you want me to tell you what I want and how I want it. It's simple what I want. I want it for real this time, all of it. Every bit of energy and every bit of heat or friction, all that you feel and want from me as well. It could be so much like my letter that I sent to you, missing details for you to fill in. Sometimes I like that, a story that starts in the middle. The part that brings the most heat and the most desire and leaves you feeling like you can fill in the rest because it's just small details after the fact. Not as if fucking is a small detail but sometimes it's not what finally happens but how you get there that turns you on so badly that when you finally fuck, finally let it go you cum so hard you think your brain is about to explode.

I feel a little crazy with the thought that it could happen that the excitement gets mixed with a strange tension. Ever want something to happen so much but when the moment comes up you feel like a live wire? Waiting to be touched, kissed....licked, fucked..just giving yourself over. I'm crushing so badly that it's gotten deep into my thoughts, sometimes it's easy and just there..other times it's hitting me hard and all I want is to be alone with you.

So if I am...alone with you..I want to make you feel what I feel. Some of that is just who I am, some is what you bring out in me. I think this feels a little scary because it's about us and no one else. I know I have reason to be even be worried because it feels so right to ...

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