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Lawn carethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 1434 words)

Author: Timmy
Added: Jul 31 2007Views / Reads: 4170 / 2858 [69%]Story vote: 8.88 (8 votes)
After a long hot day at work it is nice to come home and have someone do some 'chores'

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I was hot and tired. It had been a long day at the office and it seemed like an even longer ride home in the car. It was hot and humid out and all I could think of was relaxing on my deck with a cool drink. I parked the car and raided the fridge for a cold beer.

Kicking off my shoes, I loosened my tie, threw my jacket off and sat back into a deck chair finally feeling myself unwind. Sipping my beer I enjoyed the piece and serenity of my back yard paradise. I took off my shirt and felt the warm sun on my chest taking all of the days cares away. Starting to slip into a trance like state I was extremely annoyed to hear a loud crash from the front yard. I realized that it was the yard maintenance people unloading their mowers and gear for the weekly trim.

I braced for the onslaught of noise from movers, weed-whackers and blowers that would unset my relaxation and put me back into my funk. I waited...and waited...expecting the din to start any second but nothing came. I opened my eyes and scanned around the garden but no workers seemed evident. Now curious as to what the crash was I grabbed my beer and walked around to the front of the house.

Alas the gardeners truck was sitting in the driveway surrounded by his tools of the trade but no workers to be seen. I then heard a low grunting followed by a sickly gasp of a lawn mower refusing to start. I followed the sound round the other side of the house to find a ...

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