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My Rewardthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 5719 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Shuggie Picture in profile
Added: Aug 08 2007Views / Reads: 5333 / 4770 [89%]Part vote: 9.53 (19 votes)
Going on Holiday with my next door neighbour to help her watch her daughters boys. little did i realise that things would get intimate with a woman twice my age.

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My Reward.

Looking over the fence watching the two toddlers play, a familiar voice spoke from behind me.

"Well is there any sign of that passport yet" Helen asked standing at her back door with a smile on her face.

"Not yet, but it can't be much longer" I added with a smile feeling the excitement start to build again.

"Only a week to go, are you nervous yet?" Helen asked watching me smile and shake my head.

"I think my parents are more nervous than I am" I added watching Helen smile then head out to the sand pit and talk to Jack and Ryan.

I stood leaning on the wooden fence watching the boys play happily in their grans sand pit without a care in the world, in less than a week Jack, Ryan and I would be sharing a new experience. Our first ever trip on a plane.

Since the age of 7, I had grown up in the same neighbourhood. At the age of 14 I even dated Helen's daughter Lorna. It was then that our families really started to get to know each other. ...

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