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Stories From Schoolthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:domination, 2164 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: UseAndBeUsed50
Added: Aug 11 2007Views / Reads: 1343 / 1045 [78%]Part vote: 7.67 (3 votes)
Having problems in school and needed to graduate. Went to my professors for help and they all decided I needed tutoring....and discipline.

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ONE YEAR LATER I was getting ready to graduate. One problem: I HAD to have Algebra 101. Since I hate math and I'm terrible at the subject, I kept putting it off until it was the final semester of my senior year and it was either PASS or not graduate. OH SHIT. Worse, I was totally lost in the class. It was partially the fault of the Professor. He was tall and older and thin and very fit. But most of all his eyes...were a steely blue-gray and were always ON me in class. They were a bit chilling. I always felt....hunted. He was always lecturing and asking questions on the spur of the moment to make you look stupid. For me, in math, that was pretty easy. The rednecks in class used to joke about this guy and how a "cute" boy could get an easy "A" but he'd really have to lay his ASS on the line. I wondered how exactly some of the football team was able to graduate when they could barely spell their own name. I decided to ask for some extra after class help. He said he was off to a meeting but that he'd be working late in his office later that night. I should go to the top floor and ask the lab assistant to let me into the proper are. The building would likely be empty and dark. My blood ran cold. I could barely breathe.

I don't even remember how I spent the remainder of my day except I was making sure all my friends and my wouldn't miss me that night. At about ten pm, I went up to the dark and imposing building. There was only a few lights on in the entire building. I walked up the stairway and entered the cool reception area. A young slender student look up at me and almost lisped: "Well where have YOU been all my life?" I ...

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