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Holiday funthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 2683 words)

Author: KookieWhore
Added: Aug 13 2007Views / Reads: 1888 / 1557 [82%]Story vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
Ben, Kate and Clare have some fun in their hotel room after a dip in the ocean...

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‘Can we go down to the beach today? I really fancy going for a dip in the ocean,' The three of us were sharing a room whilst staying on this small Mediterranean island; we decided that there wouldn't be much point in spending more money on two rooms than on one large one. Kate didn't mind if me and Henry wanted some alone time, as long as we didn't go near her area of the room! ‘Sure, I'll come down with you, its not too far to walk' Kate gladly agreed. ‘Err... I think I'll stay back here for a while, I'm not feeling too hot, so I want to be in the shade as much as possible' The disappointment clearly showed on my face. ‘Don't worry; I'll join you when you get back.'

Once Kate and I got to the beach, we stripped off our clothes down to our bikinis and ran like giggling schoolgirls into the cold sea. It was unexpectedly cold, but we stayed in all the same. We started to play a version of volleyball in the water, to keep us moving so that we don't get too cold.

Whilst bringing my arm up to hit the ball, the back of my hand grazed against my nipple, making me realize that they were both fully erect, so I quickly dived back under the water to hide them. Once I rubbed the salt water out of my eyes, I saw that Kate was floating on her back in the water, her breasts just sticking out of the water. I stared at her body for a couple of seconds before she stood up again, fully exposing her own erect nipples.


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