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A Trip To The Woods And What Became Of It Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 1176 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Male Whore and Gangbang Bitch Picture in profile
Added: Aug 15 2007Views / Reads: 658 / 429 [65%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A descent into submission continues for a male turned into a submissive slut for a lesbian biker bar.

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Can you imagine being trained by an unknown group of Amazonian type women to serve as a submissive slut then sold to a lesbian biker bar to pleasure all cummers? I was. And what an experience it has been so far.

Just to get to the point I am at not I am fairly certain that there were some type of modifications made to me, though I am not sure how they were accomplished. What I can tell you is that now I willingly service all women in any way that they so choose.

Pleasure, to me, is no longer different from pain and both are equally arousing, desired and begged for. My lower extremity is rarely, if ever, used except by the occasional bisexual female club going bar hopper.

I pleasure myself to release after I am done being used for the night. Thankfully noone has given me any instructions saying I couldn't do so.

Nightly, when the club opens, I have already been prepared for proper usage. After first being given several enemas to clean me out fully I am bathed, shaved, perfumed and groomed then placed on all fours in chains complete with spreader bars. It is my task to service each patron as they come through the door however they wish, for as long as they wish it. Obviously, it is first served, first come. (Old joke, ...

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