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The Pats Camping Tripthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:exhibitionism, 7318 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Kyle's House Party
Added: Oct 19 2000Views / Reads: 6149 / 5299 [86%]Part vote: 9.09 (11 votes)
The Pats are a group of high school friends (one guy, four girls). The story starts with an end of summer camping trip. This is part 1.

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Chapter 1 - The Camping Trip

It was a gorgeous Friday afternoon, and Sherri was busy packing for the weekend. The "Pats" were headed up the canyons for a night of camping and an all day hike the next morning. The "Pats" included Sherri, Kevin, Lisa, Micah, and Jen. They all lived on one cul-de-sac in Orange County, Patrick Street, and had been friends as long as Sherri could remember. Their parents had originally called them the "brat pack" (because of the 80's movie and because of the trouble they often caused), but they had changed it to the Pats (after the street) when they got older. They were older now and would be starting their senior year in just three weeks. It was hard to believe the summer was almost over... At least they still had a little more time.

Sherri tucked the sleeveless, blue shirt into her white shorts. As she grabbed the Walkman off her desk, she noticed the picture from the women's state basketball championship. It was hard to believe this was the same bunch that had learned to ride two-wheelers together in the middle of the street.

Lisa stood in the middle of the picture, holding the game ball. Micah stood next to her, arms raised in victory. With both of them in their basketball jerseys and short, you would swear they were sisters. Both were tall (nearly 5'9") and very trim with long, blond hair. Micah's only came to her shoulders while Lisa's went half way down her back, ...

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