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Secret Slut Wifethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 14476 words)

Author: Joatster Picture in profile
Added: May 19 2000Views / Reads: 9288 / 7596 [82%]Story vote: 9.68 (19 votes)
A husband discovers his wife's secret sex life.

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Secret Slut Wife By Joatster

The capacity for self delusion and denial in the human mind is surprising. It took what most would say was pretty damning evidence before I even became suspicious that my wife was up to something. Even then, I couldn't bring myself to really think that something illicit was going on. Surely there was a reasonable explanation for everything.

Then, when I had my suspicions confirmed, I heard ringing in my ears, my extremities went numb, and my stomach was wrenched and doused in ice water. I couldn't get a breath. The feelings of shock and betrayal were coupled with a sexual awakening and excitement within myself, and I was as shocked and confused by that excitement as I was by her activity. My brain was forced to do the equivalent of a reboot. My world had undergone a tremendous change in the course of a few moments.

Here is my story.

My wife and I both work. I do the computer nerd routine, playing sysadmin for a bunch of machines and company network. She teaches English at the local high school. For the last two years, she has also been going to night school to work on her masters degree. There isn't much money in teaching and she hopes that an advanced degree will help ...

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