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Taken by Surprsise IIthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 1201 words)

Author: Jamie Michaels Picture in profile
Added: Sep 06 2007Views / Reads: 3250 / 1989 [61%]Story vote: 9.33 (6 votes)
After our first encounter Keith was ready for round two and so was my cock....

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Taken by Surprise (the rest of the story)

3:35 I could hear him breathing heavily as my head lay on his stomach, but once I had caught my breath I attempted to move slowly away from the bed. I was sure he was awake and knew everything that had happened, but I knew also that he was drinking and would not want to be reminded of this little "incident". As I raised my head and attempted to maneuver my body I felt a hand on my thigh.

"Not so fast, bitch!" and then that all to famous Keith laugh.

I stood up and quickly shucked off my shorts into a pile bedside the bed, then crawled over the top of Keith and lay there for a minute. I began to rub his stomach and chest, even down onto his thighs. He never uttered a word, but just laid back and took it all in stride. His breathing had slowed to normal and I was inching my way closer and closer to his warmth. I eventually snaked a leg over his to where our feet were making contact, still he offered no resistance, but also to reciprocation. Probably fifteen minutes had passed when I noticed a rise in his groin; he was definitely coming back to life and better than ever.

Finally he spoke in almost a whisper but it took me by surprise nonetheless.


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