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Fantasy Whoring: Part Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2009 words) [2/6] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: Sep 07 2007Views / Reads: 1057 / 889 [84%]Part vote: 8.83 (6 votes)
Kath, as "Sheila," takes $500 from the guy she picked up in a Dallas hotel bar, and up they go to his room where she plays the fantasy role of high-priced hooker. Her moral qualms about sex for money fade as she happily finds that "Steve&am

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Whoring: Pure Fantasy Two

I slow-trailed Steve into the lobby, and as he stood talking with a cashier, I picked up an envelope from the stationary desk and addressed it to myself. I fiddled around in my purse and found a stamp. Up Steve came. He discreetly handed me some folded bills. A glance, five $100 bills, just as we had agreed. With no further ado I put them in the envelope and said, "Just a moment, let me find a mail box."

Steve smiled. "Hey, Sheila, do you think I would rip you off?" He hurried off in the direction of the lobby liquor store.

I smiled back and said nothing, and I walked a few feet a mail box. Zip, in it went. OK, I had taken the guy's money, now I would have to take his dick in return.

And, to be honest, I had a flutter of second thoughts. I have never shied away from kinky sex, as those of you who have read my postings surely know by now. But taking money for sex? Would even a very understanding husband give me a pass on this caper?

Return Steve, with a brown paper bag. "Show time, dearie," he said, "you wanna' come take a ride with me?"

As the elevator door closed, he turned and gave me a hug and a kiss on ...

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