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Everything has a price 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 4239 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Shuggie Picture in profile
Added: Sep 21 2007Views / Reads: 3656 / 3383 [93%]Part vote: 9.33 (12 votes)
After watching the video's on Jenny's computer. i wait for her to pick up the computer wondering if i can rally go through with my dastardly little plan.......best read part 1 first.

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Everything Has a Price 2.

Pacing up and down the small office floor waiting for the last of the files to burn onto the DVD, I stood watching frantically through the small office window, waiting for Jenny to appear.

Slipping the disc into my drawer with the other discs I had hardly closed the drawer before a little tapping came from the backdoor. It could only be one person. Jenny.

Pushing open the heavy metal door and trying to act normal I watched as Jenny stepped in then gave a wry smile.

"Well did it take you long?" Jenny asked trying to read my face for any sort of facial expression that would give away the fact that I had seen her videos.

"I had just finished when I phoned you...come on through" I added before heading into the office and sitting on the desk before starting to unplug her computer.

Jenny stood at the doorway watching quietly then watched as I signalled to her to take a seat. Shuffling over to the seat I pulled the last apart lead watching Jenny rifle through a small hand bag then pull out a pen then her cheque book. ...

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