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Random Needsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3594 words)

Author: Ginger Picture in profile
Added: Oct 20 2000Views / Reads: 2184 / 1823 [83%]Story vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
A woman searches for an encounter with a dominant man, and she finds it with a total stranger.

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I let him pick me up at the dark little bar across the street from the motel. I had been sitting at the bar for almost an hour, drinking double screwdrivers, and waiting. Dressed as I was and sitting alone at the bar, several guys had approached me and made their plays. I politely refused each one, saying that I was waiting for someone.

I was waiting for someone, but I didn't know who he was yet. I was looking for a man, one with certain specific qualities. He had to be a big man, tall and strong-looking. He had to be alone. I didn't care if he was handsome or not. The most important thing I was searching for was that special look in his eyes. That hungry, knowing, dangerous look.

My eyes were drawn to him immediately as he walked into the place and sat down at the bar several seats away from me. He was tall and brawny, well muscled in a hard working man's way. He had dark hair and eyes, and a sharp featured face that held an uncaring, almost mean expression. He moved in an unhurried, confident way.

I watched him with interest as he put in his drink order with the bartender. I couldn't hear what he ordered over the noise of the growing crowd, but when the bartender brought his drink I could see that he was drinking whiskey and chasing it with beer. After a shot of whiskey and a long pull off his beer, he began scanning the room, checking out the crowd. ...

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