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Where the stories come fromthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 2878 words)

Author: Shuggie Picture in profile
Added: Sep 21 2007Views / Reads: 4600 / 2821 [61%]Story vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
I have been asked this for so long now that i thought i would post it for everyones enjoyment. hopefully it will give you some insight into what it means to be a writer....Enjoy

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Where the stories come from.

About every ten or so days I get an e-mail on this site asking how my stories start, asking a little bit about me and the writing process, and generally asking why I haven't been interviewed like some of the other authors.

As you can imagine, I try and answer the e-mails as best I can but also do it as briefly as I can. Sometimes the answers are shorter than I like. So I thought for those that want to know the details then why not answer it.

How it all began:

Some years ago I started to write shorts stories, not erotic, just plain old boring stories as a way of passing the time until my significant other arrived home from her back shifts. I never ever posted them, I just wrote and kept them on my hard drive. One day I decided that maybe I should post them and see what people thought.

Typing in stories into a search engine, I sifted through the pages then saw a link to eroticstories.com..I am a guy and obviously I was curious, clicking on the link, I sat fascinated reading some of the stories. By the end of the reading session I felt refreshed. The last story that I read was from a lady called Jennifer O, this lady was ...

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