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Couples Therapythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 2398 words)

Author: SydLex
Added: Sep 27 2007Views / Reads: 1463 / 1177 [80%]Story vote: 8.50 (10 votes)
A wife takes extreme measures to fix her marriage. (Major rewrite and expansion in progress)

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Couples Therapy By Syd Lex

"I'll be at a hotel until we can work things out. Make sure you don't miss our appointment in the morning." Julie walked out the door with a suitcase and her car keys.

Mark stretched out on the couch, turned up the TV, and cracked open a beer. As far as he was concerned, this was an opportunity to be a bachelor again, and he intended to make the most of it. "Relationship problems my ass," he mumbled.

After watching an hour and a half of football highlights, Mark headed off to bed. He fell asleep, but after what felt like fifteen minutes he awoke to find himself handcuffed and blindfolded in bed. "Get up," a deep male voice commanded.

Mark was too tired to feel anything past confusion. He stumbled to his feet; the man told him, "If you make a sound, you'll regret it." Mark felt something sharp on his back; he got the picture. The man grabbed him by the arm and escorted him to a vehicle waiting in the driveway. He was shoved in the back, still handcuffed and blindfolded in nothing but boxers.

The ride was unpleasant at best, as Mark rolled around on the painfully cold steel of the van he guessed he was in. Panic started to set in: ...

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