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Thoughts of himthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 1327 words)

Author: Shygirl Picture in profile
Added: Sep 27 2007Views / Reads: 730 / 351 [48%]Story vote: 8.33 (6 votes)
about my lover

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His frame fills my doorway, strong and handsome with a killer smile. I instantly want to go to him, my first reaction being to kiss him and hold him close. It's not just the physical that draws me, but the warmth of our friendship too. It might even scare me just a little.

His warm breath on the back of my neck as he kisses me, strong hands that caress me and pull me closer into him. Not all my thoughts are this romantic, I hardly need flowers and candle light for the mood is already set there inside my brain.

I think of chemisty and how it rarely happens. When it does we try so hard to find out why, but in the here and now I don't care. My single wish is to be swept up in it, to honestly enjoy it. To allow myself to give over to a side too often ignored.

I want it to play out as it should, bodies and minds entwined. No fear of letting go, being the shygirl in smaller doses. She will always be there, no doubt about that. We grow and change with each partner, but more with some rather than all. Perhaps I feel something "click" into place.

Now that we have finally fucked, gotten into it with total abandon and want there is more I need to feel. Remember what it was like when you first started to discover someone new? How the make out session would be slow and teasing wondering who would take it further. You would ...

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