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My Boyfriend's Backsidethis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 4480 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: Joyce Picture in profile
Added: Sep 29 2007Views / Reads: 4252 / 3529 [83%]Part vote: 9.50 (14 votes)
My boyfriend is bi, and he gives me a treat: I get to watch him with another guy.

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I'm a lucky, lucky woman. I met my boyfriend Brendan when I was a temporary secretary for a modeling agency. He had done a shoot for them a couple weeks prior and I was fortunate enough to work on the Friday he came in to pick up his check. He was conceited enough to think that every woman finds him attractive, so he asked me to go to a club with him that night. I asked him that night what kind of modeling he did. He explained that while his bread and butter was men's clothing and fragrances, on that particular day, he was picking up a check for a soft-porn shoot. I won't take you through the entire conversation, but it was simulated gay sex, and he didn't have to fake interest. Brendan is bisexual.

He also has a terrific sense of humor, which I love. Even when I steered the conversation away from his work, he had me laughing most of that first date. Once we got to know each other, I realized that the conceit was just an act, sort of. He knows he's good-looking, but he doesn't really think every woman in the world and half the men want to fuck him. Just this woman.

I still haven't told you why I consider myself so lucky. I love to watch two hot guys making out, and Brendan is definitely a hot guy. Once we got comfortable, I told him this and I boldly suggested we go someplace where we could both watch. He thought about it and decided we should visit a club called Scarlet Fever. I got what I wanted, and then some. I couldn't look anywhere without seeing two guys either dancing ...

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