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The Club - Ch 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1771 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: One-eyed Jack
Added: Oct 01 2007Views / Reads: 2245 / 1994 [89%]Part vote: 9.29 (7 votes)
There's more to Donna's first time

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I thought about putting this chapter in the Oral section, but decided that this was a continuation of Donna's first time. After all, it is another first for Donna.

The Club - Ch 2

A little more than a month after my night with Donna, I was outside mowing the lawn. It was Saturday afternoon and my wife would be at work until 5 o'clock. I actually like mowing the lawn. It gives me a little exercise and I can let my mind wander. Life had been a little hectic for a while. It was mostly hectic for Karla, but it transferred to me and my wife as well. Karla finally decided on a college, went to the prom, and graduated. Now things were calm again and I could vedge as I mowed the lawn.

When I was almost done, Donna came walking up to the house.

"Hi, Mr. H. I'm gonna hang with Karla for a while."

"Hi, Donna. She's inside. Go on in."

Listening to this conversation, no one would have guessed that I had been the first person to make love to Donna just a short time ago. As I finished the lawn, I don't have to tell you where my mind was wandering. ...

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