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Judy's Guythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 5475 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Oct 12 2007Views / Reads: 1694 / 1410 [83%]Story vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
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I was young and stupid and I believed her when she told me that it was good for me - that it would make hair grow on my chest. She was older and therefore wiser and she knew things that I wasn't old enough yet to know, right? So every time her boyfriend made love to her I had to watch and then when he was done and had gone she had me do what she called "eating her cream pie." By the time I was making love to girls myself the habit was so ingrained that going down on my dates after intercourse was automatic. By the time I had graduated from college I was a very popular guy and a much sought after date.

Things didn't change much after I graduated and set out to earn a living. I was still dating one or two of the girls I had dated in college and I liked them, but not enough to want to marry either of them and quite frankly I thought they both felt the same way. But they did do to bridge the gap between school and getting settled into the real world. I finally found employment and I hadn't been there three days when I fell head over heels for Judy, a girl I worked with. And naturally, since I couldn't take my eyes off of her or stop thinking about her, she had no interest in me whatsoever. I tried for a month to get her to go with me - even a simple thing like just doing lunch - but she kept saying no until one day she snapped at me. "Will you please just leave me the fuck alone?" I finally did accept that "no" in this case did indeed mean "no" and I stopped talking to her. But I did still look at her, I still thought about her and I still dreamed about her. ...

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