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Unfaithfulthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1127 words)

Author: Dirk Diggler Picture in profile
Added: Oct 13 2007Views / Reads: 4159 / 3632 [87%]Story vote: 8.50 (20 votes)
A quick story describing how I caught my wife fucking an old friend of mine when he stayed over for the night.

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Some women are just pure sluts...no if's and's or buts. I think they get worse once they get married.

Take my wife for example....

We had a one of my old friends in town for the night. We are all in our 30's and I had not seen Joe for at least 10 years. He was in town and decided to stop over for a few drinks.

One drink led to another and the next thing you know we were all pretty buzzed....my wife Kim included.

Kim had known Joe briefly when I first started dating her. I knew then she had the hots for him as everytime we we ran into him I caught her stealing glances at him....and tonight was no exception.

Kim looked great for her age...long blond hair...a curvy body...even after a couple of kids....great ass and tits...amazing really.

As we sat around contemplating another beer Kim offered for Joe to sleep over at our house.

Joe was quick to accept and I caught him winking at Kim as he smiled and accepted her offer.


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