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The Three Sistersthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 1847 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: TexasYankee Picture in profile
Added: Oct 13 2007Views / Reads: 2723 / 2354 [86%]Part vote: 9.62 (8 votes)
The story of an older gentleman, a Mother and her three "daughters"........none of the daughters are blood related........

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Part 2

The following morning, after awakening to an empty side of the bed and the smell of bacon cooking, I walked to the kitchen and asked what was on the agenda. I was informed that Judith's three daughters were arriving shortly for the usual Sunday morning breakfast with Mum.

I began to make excuses for why I should continue dressing and leave for my apartment, but my newly found sex partner would have none of it. "Stay", she insisted, "I want my girls to meet you".

Uh oh, I thought as visions of some nefarious scheme on her part ran through my mind. Gawd, all we did was have sex together. Was that some sort of commitment in her mind? Was I being introduced to the family as a prelude to whatever? Thankfully, her next words sort of relieved my trepidation when she told me that her daughters had been told about their Mother's newest malefriend and simply wanted to meet me.

As I sat down for my much-needed first cup of morning coffee, she started to tell me about her three daughters and the relationship she had with them and they with one another. Actually, only one of the girls was her natural daughter by her first and now deceased husband. Another was an adopted child who had come into the family only eight months before the natural daughter was born. The last one was the child of her first husband's first marriage who, over the years, has accepted ...

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