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First Timerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 5119 words)

Author: draeger81 Picture in profile
Added: Oct 23 2007Views / Reads: 4763 / 4037 [85%]Story vote: 9.58 (26 votes)
The opportunity to spend some private time with my husband away from the hectic daily routine was welcome relief. We don't often get time alone because of his job and the kids, so when the time presented itself I took full advantage.

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My husband Jay had to travel to Miami for a week long business meeting last summer. Generally, I never join him on these trips, instead staying home with the kids. Because he had a fair amount of free time allotted in his schedule, he convinced me to join him this time. We spent several afternoons on the beach, shopping and enjoyed fabulous dining every evening on the company's tab. Since we were scheduled to fly out on Sunday afternoon, Jay said he had something special planned for Saturday. I just assumed it would be a fancy restaurant, possibly a movie, or maybe a show. I was definitely wrong.

Saturday morning he woke me and asked if I was ready for my special day. I was not certain what to expect and he was not about to spill the beans. We left about noon and headed toward our destination. I was full of questions as always. Jay just smiled and never leaked a clue about how special this day would be. We drove for about forty-five minutes through the city streets finally reaching our destination. Jay told me it was a member's only spa and club that several of his younger buddies and their girlfriends belonged too. Jay had a guest couples pass for the day so we could experience the spa before we joined.

As we walked to the entrance, we were greeted by a very nice looking and well dressed man who checked our pass and unlocked the doors for us. Once inside, we were met by a woman named Sally who checked our reservations, handed each of us a green pass card with a key attached. She led us down the hallway to a door marked locker room, unlocked the ...

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