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College Days.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5852 words)

Author: Shuggie Picture in profile
Added: Oct 27 2007Views / Reads: 9838 / 9202 [94%]Story vote: 9.09 (11 votes)
Laura was the quiet one of the class, she had such a cute innocent little face. i had to get to know her better. Laura seemed to want friendship, but would i get what i wanted from this angelic 19 year old?

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College Days.

They say that your college years can be the best years of your life, for me that was so true. Having returned to college after working for a few years I didn't really know what to expect. After all I was 24; I had this image of 18 year olds running about calling me "pops" or some stupid name connected with my age.

Little did I realise that the business studies class that I had enrolled in was really mixed. I sat in my first class scanning the room. There were 16 students, about 10 of them were under 21, and the rest, like me were under 40.

It seemed that they were all mixed, personality wise too. They were loud, funny, one even had a ring through her nose and spiky hair, and if I had met her in a dark lane I would have shit myself and waited to get mugged.

Yet as the class went on, my eyes seemed to be drawn back to a petite girl with dark hair pulled back into a short pony tail.

By half way through the class we all knew each others names, the girl in question was called Laura, and by the end of the class it was obvious that she hated having to talk in front of other people.


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