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The Spoiled Little Bratthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 6830 words)

Author: Shuggie Picture in profile
Added: Oct 29 2007Views / Reads: 7353 / 6907 [94%]Story vote: 8.93 (28 votes)
Stephanie was everything that i hated in girls, but little did i realise that when her mum moved in with my dad, i would have to suffer her...

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The spoiled little brat.

Watching my dad's car pull into the small driveway at the front of the house, I couldn't help but let out a small sigh. My dad and step mum had informed me two days earlier that my step sister was coming to live with us.

My brain briefly harked back to the spoiled little brat that had shared our house five years earlier. My dad had met Stephanie's mum at a college course and hit it off straight away.

Over the years I managed to get bits of information explaining the idiot of a husband she was married to, and then finally one day she decided that enough was enough and moved out.

Six months later my dad met Susan; it seemed to be love at first sight, then three months later Susan moved into our house. Over the coming months Susan did everything to try and fit in, if anything she tried too hard. I could barely remember my mum walking out on my dad, and the state that she left him in, but now, it seemed as if my dad was the happiest man alive.

Okay, admittedly I wasn't overly keen on having another mother, my dad and I had survived fine without women, we could walk about the house butt naked and it didn't bother either of us. ...

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